Welcome to our cozy commercial kitchen! We have the sweetest customers!

About Us

kitchen address, phone, and hours

ADDRESS: 2425 Seymour Road, Suite 2B, Eau Claire, WI 54703

PHONE: 715.914.9711

HOURS: We are normally open for sampling and walk-in sales every Wednesday between 11:00 = 4:00 and also by chance or appointment. We post any additional scheduled hours weekly on our Facebook page. Feel free to call for a toffee meet-up if our hours aren’t convenient for you … we’ll happily accommodate whenever we are able to!


Due to warm weather considerations, we ship between October and February. During warmer days within this window, we ship our toffee frozen and on Mondays or Tuesdays to avoid any week-end delays in shipping distribution centers. If you’re having us ship to parts of the country that are warm year-round, melting of the chocolate can occur. When we ship in these conditions, we will advise the recipient to refrigerate their unopened toffee box for a short time to re-set the chocolate. If you’d like to enjoy Just a Taste Toffee year-round, be sure to stock up! When frozen our toffee will stay fresh up to six months in your freezer!

pick up

Free pick up available in Eau Claire for any local orders. Place your order and we’ll arrange a pick up that’s convenient for you.


For many years we made toffee in our home kitchen for family, friends and neighbors each Christmas season. In 2019 we launched Just a Taste Toffee and began making and selling tofeee in our cozy commercial kitchen on the north side of Eau Claire. Since then we’ve added 11 new toffee flavors and several additional toffee treats and have ideas for new flavors and toffee treat items. We’ve also worked with companies and individuals to create many lovely packaging options designed for weddings, special events and corporate gifting. Along the way we’ve made friends and created memories that are every bit as sweet as the toffee we create!